Product Information

1. Application: multi functional vertical form fill seal machines coconut/nachos/vegetable chips snack packing machine for small business is suitable for tea, granule, snacks and parts etc. weighting packing.

2. Characteristics:

--multi functional vertical form fill seal machines coconut/nachos/vegetable chips snack packing machine for small business can realize material weighing filling, bag making, bag sealing in the operation, fully automatic working process, really a labor saving machine.

-- multi functional vertical form fill seal machines coconut/nachos/vegetable chips snack packing machine for small business adopts vibrating feeding system, which can guarantee weight the material accurately.

--With the micro-computer control system, the bag packing machine could adjust the heating temperature, set the bag length and run the film automatically.

(1)Can finish the function of bag making, measuring, filling, sealing cutting and date printing automatically .
(2) With intelligent photoelectric controller system. high precision and high speed working.
(3)Controller adopts Chinese or English displaying, can see the working conditions directly
(4)Heating sealer with 4 sides of heating control, each sealing side temperature can be adjusted separately with good heat-balance to ensure the seal in good quality.
(5) With intelligent photoelectric controller system.
(6) Metering screw is driven by step motor, so that can get higher repeat precision
(7)Papain powder packing machine is suitable for the packing of granule products, bag can choose from 3-side back seal or stick seal according to customer needs.
(8) Ribbon printer is available according to customer needs, which can print one to three lines letter, date of produce and batch number.


Doitasun handiko egitura operazio eta konponketa sinple eta errazetarako.
CPU simgle chip, step motor, erraza eta zehatza poltsa luzera ezartzeko.
Zirkuitu sinpleak eta funtzio nabarmena ditu.
Makinak betetze, bagging, data inprimatzeko prozedura osoa betetzen du, kargatzen (agortzea) automatikoki.
Selecte device: Linked bags device , triangle seal's horizontal seal.


304 altzairu herdoilgaitzezko doitasun handiko egitura osoa, herdoila eta iraunkorra, funtzionamendu eta mantentze erraza.
PLC, ukipen-pantaila, gezi-motorraren kontrola, poltsa-luzera zehatza eta zehatza.
Frekuentzia kontrola, poltsa erosoagoa eta leuna, erraza eta azkarragoa, denbora eta zinema aurreztea.
Sentsibilitate handiko begi koloreko fotoelektrikoen marka jarraipena, sarrera digitala zigilatzeko eta ebaketa-posiziorako, zigilatzeko eta ebaketa posizio zehatzagoa lortzeko.
Tenperatura independentea PID kontrolatzeko, ontziratze materialak hainbat egokitzeko.
Betetze, bagging, inprimatzeko data, puzgarriak (ihesak) bat-denbora amaituta.
Drive sistema mantentze erraza, fidagarria eta erosoa da.
Kontrol guztiak softwarearekin ezartzen dira doikuntza funtzionala eta teknologia berritzeak errazteko, inoiz atzeratu gabe.
